Component Cohesion: Key Principles for Mobile Developers

Maxim Gorin
9 min readMay 23, 2024


Managing component cohesion is a critical aspect of mobile development that directly impacts the maintainability, scalability, and flexibility of applications. Properly managing the relationships and dependencies between components ensures that your codebase remains organized and easy to modify, which is essential for the fast-paced and ever-evolving nature of mobile apps. This approach not only improves the development process but also ensures that applications can quickly adapt to changing requirements and technologies.

‘Component Cohesion: Key Principles for Mobile Developers’, generated by DALL-E

This article is the thirteenth in our series on Clean Architecture. In the previous article, “Enhancing Mobile Development with Component-Based Architecture”, we explored how components can be used to build modular and maintainable mobile applications. Building on that foundation, this article will delve into the principles of managing cohesion between components, the strategies to minimize unnecessary dependencies, and practical examples to illustrate these concepts in action.

We will begin by discussing the key principles of managing component cohesion, including the Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP), Common Closure Principle (CCP), and Common Reuse Principle (CRP). Next, we will address the inherent contradictions between these principles and how to balance them effectively. Following that, we will explore strategies to minimize cohesion between components, such as using interfaces and abstractions, decomposition and modular testing, and dependency injection. By understanding and applying these principles and strategies, developers can create more maintainable, scalable, and efficient solutions.

Principles of Managing Cohesion

Mastering Component-Based Architecture: Everything You Need to Know

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle

The Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP) states that the unit of reuse is the unit of release. This principle emphasizes that a reusable component should be released as a single, versioned entity. The idea is straightforward: for a component to be effectively reused across different projects, it must be packaged, versioned, and released as a standalone unit. This practice not only ensures consistency and reliability but also simplifies the process of integrating the component into various applications.

In mobile development, applying REP can significantly streamline the development process. For instance, consider a common functionality like networking, which is used across multiple mobile applications. By developing a networking library as a standalone component and releasing it as a versioned package, developers can reuse this component in various projects without having to rewrite or copy-paste the code. This not only saves time but also ensures that any updates or bug fixes to the networking library can be propagated to all projects using it by simply updating the version of the library.

An example of REP in action can be seen in how mobile developers use dependency management tools like CocoaPods for iOS or Gradle for Android. These tools allow developers to include reusable libraries in their projects by specifying the library and its version. For instance, an iOS developer might include a library for image caching by adding a line in the Podfile like pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 5.0'. This ensures that the exact version of SDWebImage is used across different projects, providing consistency and easing maintenance.

By adhering to the Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, mobile developers can create robust, reusable components that enhance productivity and maintainability. This approach not only reduces the duplication of effort but also promotes best practices in version control and dependency management, ultimately leading to more stable and reliable mobile applications.

Common Closure Principle

The Common Closure Principle (CCP) states that classes that change for the same reason should be grouped together within the same component. This principle is essentially an extension of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) at the component level. It suggests that if multiple classes are likely to be modified simultaneously in response to the same kind of change, they should be part of the same component. This grouping minimizes the impact of changes and makes the codebase easier to maintain.

In mobile development, adhering to the Common Closure Principle is crucial for maintaining the ease of updating and managing changes in the codebase. For instance, consider an application with several UI components that all need to be updated whenever the design specifications change. According to CCP, all classes related to these UI components should be grouped together within the same module or package. This way, when a design change occurs, developers can modify the relevant classes within a single component without having to touch multiple, disparate parts of the codebase.

A practical example of CCP in mobile development can be seen in the implementation of feature modules. Suppose you’re working on an e-commerce mobile application that has features like product listing, user authentication, and payment processing. Each of these features is likely to change for different reasons. User authentication might need updates due to changes in security protocols, while payment processing might change due to new payment gateway integrations. By grouping all classes related to user authentication into one component, all classes for payment processing into another, and so on, you adhere to the Common Closure Principle. This organization ensures that changes in one feature don’t inadvertently affect others, making the application more robust and easier to maintain.

Common Reuse Principle

The Common Reuse Principle (CRP) states that components should contain only those classes that are reused together. This principle aims to minimize the dependencies that developers need to manage by ensuring that when a component is reused, all of its classes are relevant to the task at hand. Essentially, if a class is not used in conjunction with others in the same component, it does not belong in that component.

In mobile development, adhering to the Common Reuse Principle helps prevent the inclusion of unnecessary classes that can complicate dependency management and increase the risk of unwanted side effects when updates occur. By grouping only those classes that are closely related and likely to be reused together, developers can create more focused and cohesive components.

One practical example of CRP in mobile development is the organization of feature-specific components. Consider a mobile application with features like user authentication, profile management, and messaging. Each of these features typically involves a set of classes that work together to provide the functionality. According to CRP, the classes for user authentication (e.g., login, registration, password reset) should be grouped into a single Auth component. This way, when the authentication functionality is reused, only the relevant classes are included, avoiding the inclusion of unrelated classes from other features.

Another example is the use of ViewModels and repositories in Android applications following the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. Suppose you have a shopping app with features such as product listing, shopping cart, and order history. Each feature can have its own set of ViewModels and repositories grouped into separate components. For instance, the product listing feature can have a ProductViewModel and ProductRepository within a ProductListing component. This grouping ensures that when you work on the product listing functionality, you only include the relevant classes, adhering to the Common Reuse Principle.

Balancing Component Cohesion Principles

When considering the principles of component cohesion — Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP), Common Closure Principle (CCP), and Common Reuse Principle (CRP) — developers often face inherent contradictions. Each principle pushes the design in different directions, making it challenging to find the optimal balance. Understanding these contradictions is crucial for creating a well-structured and maintainable codebase.

Software Architecture: Component Cohesion Principles

The Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP) advocates for creating large components that encapsulate all classes that are reused together, ensuring that these components are versioned and released as a single unit. This approach simplifies dependency management and promotes consistent updates across projects. However, focusing solely on REP can lead to overly large components that become difficult to manage and maintain.

On the other hand, the Common Closure Principle (CCP) suggests grouping classes that change for the same reason within the same component. This principle emphasizes minimizing the impact of changes, making the codebase easier to update and maintain. However, adhering strictly to CCP might result in smaller, more numerous components, potentially increasing the complexity of managing dependencies and releases.

Finally, the Common Reuse Principle (CRP) advises that components should contain only those classes that are reused together, avoiding unnecessary dependencies. This principle helps keep components focused and relevant to their intended purpose, reducing the risk of pulling in unrelated classes. However, an overemphasis on CRP can lead to fragmentation, where components become too fine-grained, complicating their integration and reuse.

Balancing these principles involves making trade-offs and prioritizing based on the specific context and requirements of the project. For instance, in the early stages of a project, the ease of development and rapid iteration might take precedence, making CCP more critical. Grouping related classes that change together minimizes disruptions and allows for quicker updates. As the project matures and becomes more stable, REP might gain importance to ensure consistent releases and simplify dependency management.

To avoid the pitfalls of overly large or fragmented components, it is essential to regularly review and refactor the component structure. This iterative approach helps maintain a balance between the principles, adapting the architecture as the project evolves. For example, using modularization techniques, you can define clear boundaries between components, allowing for both cohesion and flexibility.

By understanding and navigating the contradictions between REP, CCP, and CRP, mobile developers can create a well-balanced component architecture. This balance ensures that the application remains maintainable, scalable, and adaptable to changing requirements, ultimately leading to a more robust and successful product.

Strategies to Minimize Cohesion Between Components in Mobile Applications

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Using Interfaces and Abstractions

Interfaces and abstractions are powerful tools for reducing cohesion between components. By defining clear interfaces, developers can separate the implementation details from the usage, allowing different parts of the application to interact without tightly coupling their implementations.

How to Use Interfaces to Reduce Cohesion:

  • Encapsulation of Functionality: Interfaces should encapsulate specific functionalities that are likely to change independently. This way, components can rely on the interface rather than a concrete implementation, making it easier to update or swap implementations without affecting other parts of the application.
  • Dependency Inversion: By depending on abstractions rather than concrete implementations, components can be easily swapped or updated without affecting other parts of the system. This approach aligns with the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), which states that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules but on abstractions.

Decomposition and Modular Testing

Decomposing applications into smaller, manageable modules and testing them independently helps minimize cohesion. This approach ensures that each module is responsible for a specific piece of functionality and can be developed, tested, and maintained separately.

How Decomposition Helps:

  • Isolation of Responsibilities: By breaking down the application into distinct modules, each with a clear responsibility, you reduce the risk of changes in one module affecting others. This isolation simplifies debugging and enhances maintainability.
  • Easier Testing: Smaller modules are easier to test because they have fewer dependencies and a narrower focus. Modular testing ensures that each component works correctly in isolation before integrating it into the larger system.


Managing component cohesion is essential for developing maintainable, scalable, and flexible mobile applications. By adhering to principles such as the Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP), Common Closure Principle (CCP), and Common Reuse Principle (CRP), developers can create well-structured and modular codebases that are easier to manage and evolve over time. Balancing these principles involves making strategic trade-offs and continuously refactoring the component structure to adapt to changing project requirements and contexts.

Properly managing cohesion between components not only enhances the maintainability of the code but also significantly improves the flexibility and scalability of applications. A well-cohesive architecture allows developers to implement changes with minimal impact, facilitates rapid iteration, and promotes the reuse of well-defined components across different projects. This approach leads to a more efficient development process, reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs, and ensures a more robust and reliable final product.

We encourage you to share your experiences and thoughts on managing cohesion in mobile development. How have you applied these principles in your projects? What challenges have you encountered, and how have you addressed them? Your insights and feedback are invaluable as we continue to explore the best practices for building maintainable and scalable mobile applications.



Maxim Gorin
Maxim Gorin

Written by Maxim Gorin

Team lead in mobile development with a passion for Fintech and Flutter. Sharing insights and stories from the tech and dev world on this blog.

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