Enhancing Mobile Development with Component-Based Architecture

Maxim Gorin
8 min readMay 21, 2024


In the rapidly evolving field of mobile development, the use of components plays a crucial role in building robust, maintainable, and scalable applications. Components, which are self-contained units of software that encapsulate specific functionality, allow developers to create modular systems that are easier to develop, test, and maintain. This approach not only enhances the efficiency and flexibility of the development process but also ensures that applications can be quickly adapted to meet changing requirements.

‘Mobile Development with Component-Based Architecture’, generated by DALL-E

This article is the twelfth in our series on Clean Architecture. In previous articles, we have discussed topics such as SOLID principles, functional programming, and object-oriented programming. Building on these foundations, this article explores the history and evolution of components, tracing their development from the early days of software programming to the modern trends that dominate today’s mobile development landscape. It delves into the benefits of a component-based approach, highlighting how modularity, independent development, and scalability contribute to more efficient and manageable software systems. Furthermore, it provides practical insights into implementing this approach in mobile applications using Dart and Flutter, Swift and SwiftUI, and Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. By understanding and leveraging the power of components, developers can create high-quality mobile applications that meet the demands of today’s dynamic tech environment.

History and Evolution of Components

‘Realistic stages of PC development’, AI art by DALL-E

Early Days of Software Development

In the early days of software development, managing memory and organizing libraries were fundamental challenges. Programs were written as large, monolithic blocks of code, and memory management was a manual process where developers had to explicitly handle memory allocation and organization. This approach made software difficult to maintain and scale, as any changes could lead to significant bugs and required a deep understanding of the entire codebase. Early software systems often included libraries directly within the source code, lacking the modularity that modern practices offer. These limitations highlighted the need for more structured and modular approaches to software development, setting the stage for the evolution towards more sophisticated methods.

Era of Relocatable Code

The introduction of relocatable code marked a significant evolution in software development. This concept allowed code to be loaded and executed at different memory addresses, providing much-needed flexibility. Relocatable code enabled the use of linkers and loaders, which played a crucial role in combining independently compiled modules into a single executable. This process involved resolving symbolic references and adjusting memory addresses, significantly improving performance and manageability. Linkers and loaders facilitated more efficient use of memory and processing power, paving the way for more complex and scalable software systems.

Modern Trends

The transition to dynamic libraries and plugins represents a major advancement in software development. Dynamic libraries allow components to be loaded and linked at runtime, providing greater flexibility and modularity. This approach enables applications to be more extensible and easier to update, as new functionality can be added without modifying the core system. Additionally, the significant increase in computational power has profoundly impacted the organization of components. Modern hardware capabilities allow for more sophisticated and resource-intensive components, leading to the development of highly modular and scalable applications. This evolution has facilitated the creation of complex software systems that are more maintainable and adaptable to changing requirements.

Component-Based Approach in Mobile Applications

Component Architecture: 3 Reasons to Invest in One

Definition of a Component

In the context of mobile development, a component is a self-contained unit of software that encapsulates specific functionality and can be independently developed, tested, and deployed. Components interact with other components through well-defined interfaces, allowing for greater flexibility and modularity in software design. This approach not only enhances code reuse and maintainability but also supports the creation of complex systems by integrating independently developed modules.

For example, in Dart and Flutter, components can be implemented as packages that provide various functionalities, such as networking, state management, or database access. In Swift, components might be delivered as Swift packages or dynamic frameworks, encapsulating everything from core logic to utility functions. Similarly, in Kotlin, components can be distributed as libraries or modules that can be included in multiple projects. These components often come in the form of dynamic libraries or plugins that can be added to existing applications to extend their functionality without modifying the core system.

This higher level of modularity enables developers to build and maintain large applications more efficiently by focusing on individual components, each responsible for a specific aspect of the application’s functionality. This way, updates and enhancements can be made to individual components without impacting the entire system, making the development process more agile and responsive to changing requirements.

Benefits of a Component-Based Approach

Modular codebase in Flutter — should you split your project into packages?

Modularity and Reusability

Components significantly enhance the modularity of code by encapsulating specific functionality within well-defined interfaces. This modularity allows developers to break down complex applications into manageable, independent pieces. By reusing components across different parts of an application or even across multiple projects, development becomes more efficient and consistent.

For example, a logging component developed for one project can easily be integrated into another, saving time and ensuring uniform functionality. This reusability not only speeds up development but also ensures that tested and proven components are used consistently, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Independent Development and Deployment

One of the major advantages of a component-based approach is the ability to develop and deploy components independently. This means that different teams can work on separate components simultaneously without interfering with each other’s work. Once a component is developed and tested, it can be deployed independently, allowing for more flexible release schedules and quicker updates.

A real-world example of this is seen in microservices architecture, where services can be updated independently, minimizing downtime and disruption. This independence is particularly beneficial in large projects, where coordinated updates can be challenging to manage.

Maintenance and Scalability

Using components simplifies the maintenance and scalability of applications. When an application is composed of discrete, well-defined components, it is easier to update, fix, or enhance individual parts without affecting the entire system. This makes troubleshooting and bug fixing more efficient, as problems can be isolated to specific components. Additionally, as an application grows, new components can be added without needing to overhaul the existing system.

The scalability of a component-based approach is exemplified by large-scale applications like enterprise software or cloud-based services, where components can be scaled independently to handle increased loads. For instance, a payment processing component can be scaled to handle more transactions without affecting other parts of the system, ensuring that the application remains responsive and efficient.

Implementing a Component-Based Approach in Practice

Modular Components in Swift UI using TCA

Dart and Flutter

In Dart and Flutter, components are primarily implemented as packages. These packages encapsulate various functionalities, ranging from UI elements to state management and networking capabilities. Flutter’s architecture is heavily based on widgets, which are the basic building blocks of a Flutter application. Widgets can be composed to create complex user interfaces, promoting modularity and reusability.

Popular packages in the Dart and Flutter ecosystem include provider for state management, http for making HTTP requests, and sqflite for local database management. Each of these packages provides well-defined interfaces and functionalities that can be easily integrated into any Flutter application, allowing developers to build robust and scalable apps efficiently. For example, the provider package simplifies state management by allowing developers to define and manage the state independently of the UI, making the codebase more modular and maintainable.

Swift and SwiftUI

In Swift, components are often delivered as frameworks or Swift packages, which encapsulate reusable code that can be shared across different projects. SwiftUI, introduced by Apple, promotes a declarative approach to building user interfaces, where views are built as components. This approach allows developers to create small, reusable pieces of UI that can be combined to build complex interfaces.

Components in Swift play a crucial role in the construction of user interfaces with SwiftUI. For instance, a view representing a custom button can be defined as a component and reused across multiple screens in an application. This not only reduces code duplication but also ensures consistency in the UI design. Examples of component use in real applications include the integration of third-party libraries like Alamofire for networking or Realm for database management, which provide powerful functionalities that can be easily incorporated into Swift projects.

Kotlin and Jetpack Compose

Kotlin, along with Jetpack Compose, supports a component-based approach by enabling developers to create reusable UI components known as composables. Jetpack Compose is a modern UI toolkit for building native Android applications, where the UI is defined using composable functions. These composables are small, self-contained UI elements that can be combined to form more complex interfaces.

Effective organization of components in Kotlin applications is exemplified by libraries and tools such as Koin for dependency injection and Retrofit for networking. These libraries provide modular, reusable components that can be easily integrated into any Android project. For example, a network request component built using Retrofit can be reused across different parts of the application, ensuring consistency and reducing development time. Similarly, Koin simplifies dependency management by allowing developers to define and inject dependencies independently, promoting a clean and modular codebase.

By adopting these frameworks and tools, developers can implement a component-based approach in Dart, Swift, and Kotlin, leading to more maintainable, scalable, and efficient mobile applications.


Components are essential in mobile development for creating applications that are robust, maintainable, and scalable. By encapsulating specific functionalities into self-contained units, components enhance modularity, facilitate independent development, and improve overall code manageability. This component-based approach streamlines the development process, ensuring applications can adapt to changing requirements and scale effectively.

Looking to the future, the role of components in mobile development will only grow. As applications become more complex and user expectations rise, the need for modular, maintainable codebases will become even more critical. Components will enable developers to meet these demands by providing a flexible and efficient way to build and maintain complex systems. The continued evolution of frameworks like Flutter, SwiftUI, and Jetpack Compose will further support this trend, offering developers powerful tools to create highly modular applications.

We invite you to share your experiences and thoughts on the use of components in mobile development. How have components improved your development process? What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them? Your insights and feedback are invaluable as we continue to explore the potential of component-based development in the ever-evolving world of mobile applications.



Maxim Gorin

Team lead in mobile development with a passion for Fintech and Flutter. Sharing insights and stories from the tech and dev world on this blog.