Defining and Managing Boundaries: Enhancing Scalability in Mobile Development

Maxim Gorin
10 min readJun 20, 2024


In our ongoing series on clean architecture, we’ve explored various techniques and principles to enhance the scalability and maintainability of mobile applications. In our previous article, “Defining Boundaries: Essential Techniques for Scalable Mobile Architecture”, we discussed the importance of establishing clear boundaries within software systems. Building on that foundation, this article delves into the anatomy of boundaries, focusing on the critical techniques for crossing these boundaries between different layers and modules within a mobile application.

‘Smartphone-shaped factory, workers installing pipes’, generated by DALL-E

The concept of boundaries in software architecture goes beyond mere organizational structure; it encompasses the methodologies for ensuring that changes in one part of the system do not adversely affect others. This separation is particularly vital in mobile app development, where the need for rapid updates and scalability can lead to complex interdependencies if not properly managed.

We will explore various aspects of boundary management, including the challenges of monolithic architectures and the benefits of modularization, the role of deployment components and execution flows, and the significance of local processes and services. By understanding and applying these principles, developers can create more robust, maintainable, and scalable mobile applications.

Crossing Boundaries

Architecture for Mobile Development | Design Patterns

Crossing Boundaries During Runtime

Crossing boundaries during runtime involves invoking functions from one module in another module across a defined boundary, passing necessary data between them. Effective management of these boundaries is critical to maintain system cohesion and reduce the risk of cascading changes when modifications are made.

To achieve this, developers must focus on managing dependencies at the source code level. When a change occurs in one module, it should not necessitate recompilation or redeployment of other modules. This isolation is achieved through careful architectural planning and the use of interfaces or abstract classes that decouple the modules.

Definition of Boundary Crossing:

In a well-architected system, boundaries serve as barriers that limit the impact of changes within a module. When a function from one module needs to be accessed by another, the interaction should be managed through a controlled interface. This ensures that internal changes within one module do not ripple across the system, leading to widespread refactoring.

Function Invocation Across Modules:

To illustrate, consider a mobile application with a user interface (UI) layer and a backend service layer. When the UI layer needs to fetch data, it should not directly call methods within the backend service. Instead, it should rely on an interface that abstracts the backend service’s functionality. This interface acts as a contract, defining the methods available for interaction without exposing the underlying implementation details.

For instance, if the backend service changes its data retrieval logic, the interface remains the same, ensuring that the UI layer is unaffected. This abstraction not only simplifies integration but also enhances maintainability by localizing changes within the backend service.

Importance of Protecting Against Changes:

One of the primary goals of defining boundaries is to shield modules from changes in other parts of the system. By using interfaces and dependency injection, modules can interact with each other without forming tight couplings. This practice is essential in maintaining a clean and adaptable codebase.

In the context of mobile applications, where frequent updates and iterations are common, protecting against changes is crucial. For example, if a new feature requires changes in the backend service, these changes should not force modifications in the UI layer or other unrelated components. Proper boundary management allows teams to work on different parts of the application simultaneously without fear of breaking existing functionality.

The Monolithic Dilemma

Monolithic Architecture — System Design

Understanding Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture refers to a software design where the entire application is built as a single, indivisible unit. In such systems, all components and functionalities are tightly coupled, residing within a single codebase and often compiled into a single executable. While this approach can simplify initial development, it poses significant challenges as the application grows in complexity.

Challenges of Monolithic Architecture:

  1. Complexity in Modifications:
    In a monolithic system, making changes can be cumbersome. Any modification, no matter how small, can necessitate rebuilding and redeploying the entire application. This process increases the risk of introducing bugs and makes the system more difficult to maintain.
  2. Scalability Issues:
    Monolithic applications can struggle with scalability. Since all components are tightly coupled, scaling one part of the application requires scaling the entire system. This approach is inefficient and can lead to resource bottlenecks, especially in mobile applications where performance and responsiveness are crucial.

Deconstructing the Monolith

To address these challenges, developers often seek to break down monolithic applications into smaller, independent modules. This process, known as modularization, aims to decouple components, allowing them to be developed, tested, and deployed independently.

Techniques for Modularization:

  1. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA):
    One effective approach is to transition to a service-oriented architecture, where different functionalities are separated into distinct services. Each service performs a specific task and interacts with other services through well-defined interfaces.
  2. Microservices:
    A more granular approach is adopting microservices architecture. Here, the application is divided into even smaller, self-contained services, each responsible for a single business capability. These microservices communicate through lightweight protocols such as HTTP or messaging queues.

Examples in Smart Home Applications:

Consider a smart home management application initially built as a monolith. Over time, as new features like lighting control, security monitoring, and energy management are added, the codebase becomes unwieldy. To mitigate this, the development team can decompose the monolithic application into several modules:

  1. Lighting Control Service:
    Handles all aspects of managing and automating lighting within the home. This service can be independently scaled to accommodate homes with extensive lighting setups or high usage scenarios.
  2. Security Monitoring Service:
    Manages security cameras, motion detectors, and alarms. By isolating this functionality, any updates or improvements can be made without affecting other parts of the application, ensuring robust security features.
  3. Energy Management Service:
    Provides features for monitoring and optimizing energy consumption. Decoupling this service allows for dedicated updates and maintenance, improving the overall efficiency and user experience.

By applying these modularization techniques, the development team can transform a cumbersome monolithic application into a collection of manageable, scalable services. This not only enhances maintainability but also allows for more agile and responsive development processes.

Deployment Components and Execution Flows

What are Android Architecture Components?

Deployment Components

Deployment components are the tangible units of software that get deployed and executed in various environments. These components encapsulate specific functionalities and are packaged in a way that allows them to be deployed independently of other parts of the application. Understanding the nature of these components and how they fit into the overall architecture is crucial for creating scalable and maintainable software systems.

Deployment components can take various forms, such as dynamic link libraries (DLLs), Java archive files (JARs), Ruby gem files, or shared libraries (.so) in UNIX systems. Each of these components serves to encapsulate functionality, making it possible to update, replace, or scale specific parts of the application without necessitating changes to the entire system.

Types of Deployment Components:

  1. Feature Modules: Feature modules encapsulate distinct functionalities within an application. These modules can be independently developed, tested, and deployed, enhancing the modularity of the application. They often represent distinct features or services within the system, which can be developed and maintained by separate teams.
  2. Libraries and SDKs: Libraries and software development kits (SDKs) provide reusable functionalities and services. They encapsulate complex functionalities into manageable packages that can be integrated into various applications. This encapsulation allows for the consistent use of these functionalities across different parts of the application or even across different applications.
  3. Microservices: Although traditionally associated with server-side applications, the principles of microservices architecture can influence mobile development, particularly in the backend services that support mobile apps. Each microservice operates as an independent deployment component, encapsulating specific functionalities and communicating with other services through well-defined interfaces.

Advantages of Deployment Components:

  • Modularity: Allows for the separation of concerns, making the application easier to manage and extend. Each component can be developed and updated independently.
  • Flexibility: Facilitates independent updates, reducing the impact of changes on the overall system.
  • Scalability: Enhances the ability to scale individual components based on demand, ensuring optimal resource utilization.
  • Maintainability: Simplifies debugging and maintaining the application by isolating issues within specific components.

Challenges of Managing Deployment Components:

  • Complexity: Managing multiple deployment units can add complexity to the build and deployment processes, requiring sophisticated tools and practices.
  • Integration: Ensuring seamless interaction between independently deployed components necessitates robust integration strategies and thorough testing.

Example in Smart Home Applications

Consider a smart home application that manages various aspects of a connected home, such as lighting control, security monitoring, and energy management. Here’s how deployment components and execution flows can be applied effectively:

  1. Deployment Components:
    The application is divided into feature modules, each responsible for a specific aspect of the smart home, such as lighting control, security monitoring, and energy management. Each module is developed and deployed independently, allowing for modular updates and maintenance.
  2. Execution Flows:
  • Concurrency and Multithreading: Real-time monitoring of security cameras and sensors is handled by dedicated threads, ensuring that the application can process and display data promptly without delays.
  • Asynchronous Operations: User commands, such as turning lights on or off, are managed through asynchronous operations to ensure that the main application remains responsive. These commands are executed in the background, allowing users to interact with the app without interruptions.
  • Task Prioritization: Critical tasks, such as responding to security alerts, are given high priority, ensuring immediate action. Routine tasks, like generating energy usage reports, are scheduled to run during low-activity periods to avoid impacting the application’s performance.

By organizing the application into distinct deployment components and optimizing execution flows, developers can create more efficient, responsive, and maintainable smart home applications. This approach ensures that the application can handle real-time data processing, user interactions, and background tasks effectively, providing a seamless and robust user experience.

Local Processes

Local processes are independent programs that run on the same machine but in different memory spaces. This separation ensures that each process operates independently, reducing the risk of one process affecting the stability of another. In the context of software architecture, local processes serve as robust physical boundaries that encapsulate functionality, improving the overall reliability and maintainability of the system.

Defining Local Processes

Local processes are launched from the command line or through equivalent system calls. They run concurrently on the same processor or across multiple processors in a multi-core system but maintain separate address spaces. This isolation is enforced by the operating system, which prevents processes from accessing each other’s memory directly, thus enhancing security and stability.

Interaction Between Local Processes

Inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms facilitate interactions between local processes. Common IPC methods include sockets, shared memory segments, message queues, and mailboxes. These mechanisms enable processes to exchange data and coordinate their actions without directly accessing each other’s memory.

  • Sockets: Used for communication between processes, both on the same machine and across a network. Sockets provide a standard way to establish a communication channel and exchange data in a structured manner.
  • Shared Memory: Allows multiple processes to access the same memory segment, facilitating fast data exchange. However, it requires careful synchronization to prevent race conditions and ensure data consistency.
  • Message Queues and Mailboxes: Provide asynchronous communication between processes. Processes can send messages to a queue or mailbox, which are then retrieved and processed by the receiving process.


Services represent the highest level of physical boundaries in a software architecture. They are independent units of functionality that can operate across different machines and communicate over a network. Services are typically designed to be location-agnostic, meaning they can interact with other services regardless of their physical location.

How to Design Mobile App Architecture in 2024? — Aglowid IT Solutions

Defining Services

A service is a process that runs independently, providing specific functionalities or features accessible over a network. Services are a core component of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices architecture, where each service encapsulates a specific business capability.

In mobile app development, backend services are often implemented as microservices. Each microservice is a standalone unit that provides a specific functionality, such as user authentication, data storage, or payment processing. These services communicate with the mobile app and with each other through well-defined APIs.

Interaction Between Services

Service interactions occur over a network, typically using protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS, gRPC, or WebSockets. These interactions are inherently slower and more complex than local process interactions due to network latency and the need for serialization and deserialization of data.

  • HTTP/HTTPS: The most common protocol for service communication, especially for RESTful APIs. It provides a standard way to send and receive data over the web.
  • gRPC: A high-performance, open-source RPC framework that uses HTTP/2 for transport and Protocol Buffers as the interface description language. It enables efficient communication between services.
  • WebSockets: Allow for full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection, enabling real-time data exchange between services and clients.

Service interactions must be designed to handle network-related issues, such as latency, partial failures, and retries. Ensuring reliability and consistency in service communication requires implementing patterns like circuit breakers, retries with exponential backoff, and idempotency.


In this exploration of the anatomy of boundaries within software architecture, we’ve highlighted the critical techniques for managing and crossing these boundaries effectively. By establishing clear boundaries, developers can ensure that changes in one part of the system do not ripple through and disrupt other parts, maintaining the integrity and stability of the application.

Understanding how to cross boundaries during runtime, especially through the use of controlled interfaces, allows for modular and flexible interactions between different components. This approach is vital in maintaining the cohesion of the system and reducing the risk of cascading changes.

We also discussed the challenges associated with monolithic architectures and the advantages of breaking them down into smaller, independent modules. Modularization, whether through service-oriented architecture or microservices, enables more agile development, easier maintenance, and better scalability.

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Maxim Gorin

Team lead in mobile development with a passion for Fintech and Flutter. Sharing insights and stories from the tech and dev world on this blog.